The Original Vegan Cruise – “One of the 100 Best Worldwide Vacations to Enrich Your Life.”

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Angelica Kushi

Yoga & Meditation

Angelica Kushi loves flying the skies as a professional aerialist and stuntwoman. When she’s on the ground, she’s a yoga teacher and health and wellness educator. Born and raised in a macrobiotic home, her education stems from a lifetime of living a holistic lifestyle. Specializing in creating a relaxed and easeful approach to health, her formal training is from the Kushi Institute, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and extensive studies in yoga and Tibetan Buddhism at the Asian Classic Institute and Yoga Studies Institute. Her passion is to provide people with easy and accessible ways to live a nourishing lifestyle so they can live out their wildest dreams and achieve their peak potential.



Edward And Sons
Good Planet
Miso Master Organic
Real Salt
My Jinka
 I Eat My Greens
RLT - Red Light Therapy
Suzanne's Specialties
Bos Tempeh
Ecco Bella
Kefir Kultures
Red Bloom
The Mushroom Meat Company
The Pink Bakery
Altro Foods
Nature’s Fynd
UnClassic Foods
V Gelato