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Nelson Campbell

Executive Producer, PlantPure Nation

Nelson Campbell is the founder of the nonprofit PlantPure Communities (PPC) and the PlantPure business. He also directed and wrote PlantPure Nation, a film that examines the political and economic factors that have suppressed information on the benefits of plant-based nutrition, while making the connections of this idea to medical practice, farming, food deserts and climate change. PPC, the nonprofit Nelson founded, supports a network of local groups called “Pods,” now involving over 250,000 people. PPC is also coordinating an international coalition of health and environmental groups to raise public awareness of the food-climate connection, and is launching a ‘moonshot’ project to bring nutrition education and affordable plant-based foods into underserved communities. In addition to his nonprofit work, Nelson founded the PlantPure business, which is focused on food, education and a new web-based social action platform. Nelson has undergraduate and graduate degrees from Cornell University in political science and economics, respectively.



Edward And Sons
Good Planet
Miso Master Organic
Real Salt
My Jinka
 I Eat My Greens
RLT - Red Light Therapy
Suzanne's Specialties
Bos Tempeh
Ecco Bella
Kefir Kultures
Red Bloom
The Mushroom Meat Company
The Pink Bakery
Altro Foods
Nature’s Fynd
UnClassic Foods
V Gelato