Dilip Barman has been involved with a plant-based lifestyle for decades. He is president of the Triangle Vegetarian Society in North Carolina where he hosts the country’s largest vegan Thanksgiving. He is an instructor for Food for Life, a nutrition education program of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. He helped to found and direct the monthly show So Many Cooks in the Kitchen and bimonthly, So Many Kids in the Kitchen, where they share healthy whole food, plant-based cooking and nutrition.
Dilip is on the advisory board of Rochester Lifestyle Medicine where he runs destination plant-based immersions in the mountains and beaches of North Carolina, showing participants the why and how of healthy cooking and nutrition. He is the North American representative of the International Vegetarian Union, a “Vegan Information Point” and speaker bureau member of the American Vegan Society, and an affiliate of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
As the executive producer of the 2020 film Code Blue, Dilip shows how lifestyle choices can profoundly affect health. He is a math teacher and the nutrition education director of an elementary and middle school where he has created a healthy snack program to provide nutrition education and, several times a week, healthy plant-based food for children.
Dilip is proud to have never repeated a meal for his wife in almost nineteen years of knowing her. He blogs about his plant-based creations and tweets about whole food plant-based meals and nutrition, as well as math, which he also teaches, and other topics on twitter @dbarman.
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