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Gene Baur

Author of Farm Sanctuary

Gene Baur, hailed by Time magazine as “the conscience of the food movement” and named one of Oprah Winfrey’s SuperSoul 100 Givers, co-founded Farm Sanctuary in 1986. He initially funded the organization by selling vegan hot dogs from a VW van at Grateful Dead concerts. A pioneer in undercover investigations, he has educated millions about the plight of farm animals and the negative impacts of factory farming, inspiring an international farm sanctuary movement.

Gene played a key role in passing the first U.S. laws prohibiting inhumane animal confinement and continues working on systemic food industry reforms. His work has been covered by major media organizations outlets, including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, the New York Times, LA Times, and Wall Street Journal, among others. He has published two bestselling books, Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food (Simon and Schuster, 2008) and Living the Farm Sanctuary Life (Rodale, 2015). 

Gene Baur’s
Classes for the
March 2025 Caribbean Cruise

KEYNOTE: Farm Sanctuary – Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food

For nearly forty years, Farm Sanctuary has combated the harms of factory farming and encouraged people to see farm animals as friends, not food. Learn about the issues and how a small all-volunteer organization funded by selling vegan hotdogs outside of Grateful Dead concerts grew and inspired an international movement.

From Inside the System

Beginning in 1986, Gene has investigated factory farms and the oppressive structures that enable our unhealthy and extractive food system. Join him for a conversation about first-hand experiences and Farm Sanctuary’s evolving resource-based approach to system change.



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