With 45 years of experience, Ken has an extraordinary knowledge of, Macrobiotic principles, of foods and their effect on the body. This lifelong learning is transmitted to people with a great passion and energy, enthusing all to look at their own food and lifestyle choices and see where they can be changed for the better.
Ken’s passion for food, healing and oriental diagnosis started back in the 70s, at the Community Health Foundation, in London’s Old Street. Learning under the macrobiotic gurus of the time, Michio and Aveline Kushi, the desire for knowledge grew strongly and Ken soon moved to work and study at the Macrobiotic Institute of Berlin. It was here that Ken spent the next seven years studying, first to become a Naturopath (Heilpraktiker) and then the in-depth skills associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine, including amongst others, Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Prompted by his wife Angela, Ken started to give nutritional and lifestyle consultations in Italy in 1992, which now, after 32 years has expanded to several European countries. His work experience also profits from the 4 years of intense activity at the famous Sha Wellness Clinic in Alicante, Spain. Currently Ken teaches the levels of Macrobiotic study in Valencia, Madrid and Lisbon being one of the few senior Macrobiotic teacher/consultants in Europe active at this time.
Since leaving Berlin, Ken has set up several successful whole food gourmet restaurants in Italy and Germany with his wife Angela and worked as Camp Director on the English and Scottish One World Summer Camps.
Ken’s other studies include: Iridology, Regressional Hypnosis, Ear Acupuncture and Silva Mind control.
Ken currently lives with his wife Angela in Sweden at Oneness Nordic Center.
The Seven Stages of Sickness
Every physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual illness belongs to one of the seven levels explained in this talk. Today, illness has become so commonplace that people practically take for granted that having some of these symptoms is “normal.” Is it really so?
Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Cup Overflowing!
While the causes and diagnosis of fibromyalgia are often misunderstood, the pain is acutely real. The condition is often confused with inflammatory arthritis, or more specifically, rheumatoid arthritis – but unlike arthritis, inflammation is not present. So, what is the cause of the symptoms? Rheumatoid arthritis gets worse over time, causing swelling and damage to the joints. The pain of fibromyalgia is more widespread throughout the body and, while the joints and organs are not damaged, fibromyalgia is often associated with persistent pain, particularly in localized points identified as trigger points. Fibromyalgia can be difficult to diagnose because there is no single test to confirm the condition. The practitioner assesses the patient’s physical condition, medical history, and description of symptoms while ruling out other illnesses through testing to make a diagnosis. Join Kenneth to unlock the mysteries of this elusive malady.
Probiotics, The Digestive System and Natural Immunity
How important are probiotics for overall gut health? Probiotic bacteria perform a variety of important functions that include supporting a healthy immune system, promoting efficient metabolism and bolstering proper digestion. Research indicates that imbalances in the gut microbiota may be linked to numerous diseases including cancer and type 2 diabetes. Gut microbiota is also strongly influenced by food choices and incorporating more probiotic, as well as prebiotic, foods into the daily diet promotes positive change. In this impactful presentation, learn how to build the good gut bacteria that influence natural immunity.
Individual Consultations and/or Workshops:
Email: Info@Holisticholidayatsea.com or call 305-928-1098 ext. 1003 with questions and to reserve your spot in advance.
Private Nutritional & Lifestyle Consultation: Understand How to Increase Health and Vitality
Ken is a certified naturopath, nutritionist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He has forty years of experience in this field. In this consultation, Ken will help you to understand your own biological limitations. He will guide you to choose the correct combination of foods by raising awareness for your own physical, mental and emotional needs. Reversing food cravings and elevating energy levels is only the beginning of your journey to take responsibility for your own health.
$350/person, 90 minutes
Group Nutritional & Lifestyle Consultation: A Macrobiotic Diagnosis and Holistic Healing
Ken will offer the opportunity to participants to partake in the spontaneity of macrobiotic diagnosis and holistic healing.
$150/person, 90 minutes
Limited to 10 participants