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Nelson Campbell

Executive Producer, PlantPure Nation

Nelson Campbell is the founder of the nonprofit PlantPure Communities (PPC) and the PlantPure business. He also directed and wrote PlantPure Nation, a film that examines the political and economic factors that have suppressed information on the benefits of plant-based nutrition, while making the connections of this idea to medical practice, farming, food deserts and climate change. PPC, the nonprofit Nelson founded, supports a network of local groups called “Pods,” now involving over 250,000 people. PPC is also coordinating an international coalition of health and environmental groups to raise public awareness of the food-climate connection, and is launching a ‘moonshot’ project to bring nutrition education and affordable plant-based foods into underserved communities. In addition to his nonprofit work, Nelson founded the PlantPure business, which is focused on food, education and a new web-based social action platform. Nelson has undergraduate and graduate degrees from Cornell University in political science and economics, respectively.