Dr. Breakey is a fifth-generation graduate from the University of Michigan Medical School and has been a Lifestyle Medicine Family Physician in Ann Arbor since 1885. He has a special interest in plant-based health and nutrition to support people of all ages in optimizing their Health and Vitality. He is Chairman of the Board for his medical group, IHA — serving over 500,000 patients in southeast Michigan. He is Board certified in Lifestyle Medicine and serves as the Medical Director for IHA’s “WJF Center for Lifestyle Medicine”. He is also Chairman of the Board for the “Plant-Based Nutrition Support Group” and is on the Board of Directors for the “Plant-Based Prevention of Disease” group and the “Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute”. He has presented hundreds of Healthy living seminars to both lay and professional audiences over these last 40 years, and continues to enjoy serving patients of all ages via his Lifestyle Medicine Primary Care practice.
Food Allergies and Special Diets
Ingredients for the vegan dishes being served at any given meal will be posted at the entrance to the dining room. If you have food allergies or sensitivities, please check the ingredient lists carefully, so you know what courses you may have to avoid.
Oil-free and Gluten-free Menus Are Available
In addition to our 100% vegan whole food menu, we offer a second vegan menu with no added oil. Eating gluten-free is easy on the cruise – most of the courses are gluten free. Dishes containing gluten are clearly marked on the menu; just ask your waiter for the gluten-free version.
It is each person’s responsibility to read the ingredients. Please take a moment to check the list if you have any special needs. Waiters may not understand your questions.