Happy Halloween: Sweet Vegan Treats for the Holiday Any holiday can be a challenging one when you’re trying to avoid meat or dairy products. Halloween proves to be particularly challenging for those of us adhering to a whole foods, plant-based or a macrobiotic diet....
Contact Hours
Holistic Holiday at Sea lectures have been officially approved for contact hours for nursing credit only exclusively through Integrative Nurse Coach Academy (INCA) for our March 2025 sailing! If you are already registered for the cruise, pricing & registration information for contact hours can be found here.
You can review the program schedule for a list of approved lectures that will be posted prior to the sail date. We are also excited to have a few of INCA expert staff on board with us!
Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses in all 50 US states are eligible to earn continuing contact hours toward license renewal. As INCA is an ANCC accredited provider, all 50 states accept contact hours / continuing education hours that are approved through ANCC accredited providers.
Other healthcare professionals are welcome to register here to receive a certificate of completion and submit it to their board for approval, but INCA cannot guarantee that any boards outside nursing will accept the certificate.