The Original Vegan Cruise – “One of the 100 Best Worldwide Vacations to Enrich Your Life.”

Contact Us For More Information – 1-305-928-1098


Camaraderie and the Holistic Holiday

Adhering to a holistically healthy lifestyle these days can be difficult. Every moment, convenience and social convention encourage and reinforce unhealthy behavior, tempting us away from our wellness goals. That’s why the camaraderie that permeates the Holistic...

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. is Back!!

A ground-breaking pioneer in preventive and restorative cardio-vascular medicine and a world class athlete, Dr. Esselstyn will be presenting his revolutionary program backed by the irrefutable results from his landmark 20-year study proving that changes in diet and...

Bryant Terry on Cruising and Cooking

Bryant Terry’s passion for cooking distinctive and enticing plant-based food is contagious. To this eco-chef, Memphis native, and food justice activist, cooking is an opportunity for mindfulness and an outlet for creativity. Just about everyone, Bryant says, has...

Finding the Love of Your Life

Valentine's Day is upon us and love is in the air. Tropical air, warm weather, awesome people and beautiful scenery are also great components for a romantic atmosphere.  The Holistic Holiday at Sea cruises are very famous for creating connections of all types, but...

Introducing our New Special Guest Program

Holistic Holiday at Sea is truly excited to welcome the Founder, Director & Chief Editor of The Vegan Woman, Sivan Pardo Renwick as our first special guest joining us on our 2014 voyage to the Caribbean. The special guest program will include members of the vegan...

Start Your New Year’s Resolution Right Now

Are you considering a change you want to implement come January 1? Maybe there’s a food you want to add to your diet, or a supplement you know you should take. Here’s a proposal: don’t wait ‘til the first. Instead of a New Year’s resolution, what about a new moment...

Tasty Vegan BBQ – Culinary Fireworks for Vegan Fare!

Summer Grillin’ Extravaganza We vegans and macros love our veggies something fierce, and there’s no better time to show off our creative cuisine than the Fourth of July!  One of the best aspects of plant-based barbeque is firing up original recipes that are sure to...

Wonderful Ways to Work-out During the Winter!

Now that the chilly season is in full swing we become more apt to stay inside, enjoy our hot meals and warm beverages, lounge in our snuggliest of blankets and allow ourselves to accidentally pack on the pounds. Now, there’s nothing wrong with keeping cozy, but we’re...

Vegan Recipes to Warm Up Your Winter!

Now that we’ve passed the New Year we are well into the winter season. Depending on your location, it can be mighty frosty outside. Even if it’s not, we’d like to offer you some deliciously tasty vegan winter recipes that are guaranteed to satisfy your stomach and put...

Integrative Relaxation – A Serene State of Wellbeing

One of the most enjoyed and sought-after programs of the Holistic Holiday at Sea cruise are the Integrative Relaxation classes. Centered on optimizing your ability to experience blissful relaxation akin to deep, rejuvenating rest, Integrative Relaxation, also known as...